This section presents seamless textures for photoshop organized for userfriendly search into subsections asphalt, concrete, water, wood, boards, bark, soil, marble, sand, fabric, grass, etc Textures of boards and wood are one of the most popular among web designers and artists The category contains more than 500 different variations for 3DA seamless metal texture with an aluminium surface The image represents a physical area of 2998 x 4277 mm (118 x 1684 inches) in total Aluminium is a common metal product used within architecture and construction, owed to its versatility, strength, and environmental credentials In particular, aluminium's strength relative to its weight makes it a material of choice for windows,Seamless textures of metal patterns for free download Free Metallic Textures suitable for Photoshop, Google Sketchup 3DS Max Free tileable metal background textures include, rusty metal, galvanized metal, checkerplate, brass, aluminum stucco All textures have their bump map ...